Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

Instructions for Authors

Appendixes: approved, discouraged, and prohibited LaTeX features


  • Approved LaTeX Commands and Features}
  • In Macros for Mathematical Formulae Only
  • LaTeX Commands and Features to Avoid
  • Prohibited LaTeX Commands and Features

  • Approved LaTeX Commands and Features}

    You are especially encouraged to use the following LaTeX features:
    \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \appendix, \title, \author, \thanks, \maketitle, \newtheorem, \caption, \bibliography, \em, \item, \\, \label, \ref, \cite, \nocite, \text, \intertext, all of the LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX commands producing the usual textual and mathematical symbols.
    document, abstract, itemize, enumerate, description, math, displaymath, equation, eqnarray, theorem-like environments, quote, figure, table, array, tabular, cases, Sb, Sp, CD, align, gather, alignat, multiline, split.
    Document styles and options
    article, epsf, amstex, amsbsy, amscd, amsfonts, amssymb, amstext.

    In Macros for Mathematical Formulae Only

    As much as possible, use \mathstyleclass from {\tt cjauthor.tex and \newcommand to hide the type style choices and spaciing commands below within macro definitions.
    \rm, \bf, \it, \sl, \sf, \sc, \tt, \cal, \!, \,, \:, \;, \Bbb, \boldsymbol, \frak, \pmb, \smash, \operatorname, \operatornamewithlimits.

    LaTeX Commands and Features to Avoid

    Avoid the following LaTeX features as much as possible. When you really need them, try to embed them in meaningful macro definitions.
    Commands: \vspace, \noindent, \indent, \linebreak, \nolinebreak, \nopagebreak, \samepage, \fill, \stretch, \hspace, \vspace, \bigskip, \medskip, \smallskip, \addvspace, \sloppy, \fussy, \raisebox.
    Environments: tabbing.
    Change style parameters: \topsep, \partopsep, \itemsep, \parsep, \itemindent, \labelsep, \labelwidth, \makelabel, \jot, \arraycolsep, \tabcolsep, \arrayrulewidth, \doublerulesep, \arraystretch.
    Read style parameters: all style parameters.
    Length units: em, ex.

    Prohibited LaTeX Commands and Features

    You should not use the following LaTeX features. If you think that you really need them, please contact me.

    Commands: \pagenumbering, \pagestyle, \thispagestyle, \pagebreak, \marginpar, \reversemarginpar, \normalmarginpar, \part, \chapter, \markright, \markboth, \twocolumn, \onecolumn, \clearpage, \verb, \bibitem, \input, \include, \typeout, \typein.
    Environments: titlepage, verbatim, thebibiliography, theindex
    Change style parameters: \textwidth, \linewidth, parindent, \baselineskip, \baselinestretch, parskip, \footnotesep, \footnoterule, secnumdepth, \tocdepth, \bibindent, \columnsep, \columnseprule, \mathindent, \oddsidemanrgin, \evensidemargin, \marginparwidth, \marginparsep, \topmargin, \headheight, \headsep, \textheight, \textwidth, \topskip, \footheight, \footskip, \leftmargin, \rightmargin, \listparindent, \mathindent, \abovedisplayskip, \belowdisplayskip, \abovedisplayshortskip, \belowdisplayshortskip, topnumber, \topfraction, bottomnumber, \bottomfraction, totalnumber, \textfraction, \floatpagefraction, \dbltopnumber, \dbltopfraction, \dblfloatpagefraction, \floatsep, \textfloatsep, \intextsep, \dblfloatsep, \dbltextfloatsep, \marginparwidth, \marginparsep, \marginparpush, \tabbingsep, \fboxrule, \fboxsep.
    Length units: cm, in, pc, pt, mm.
    Document styles and options: all those not listed as approved.

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    Last modified: Fri Mar 31 08:49:07 1995