Volume 2016
Published by the Department of Computer Science University of Chicago.
- 2016 Articles
- 1. Layouts of Expander Graphs
by Vida Dujmovič, Anastasios Sidiropoulos, and David R. Wood
- 2. Nonnegative Rank vs. Binary Rank
by Thomas Watson
- 3. Homomorphism Polynomials Complete for VP
by Arnaud Durand, Meena Mahajan, Guillaume Malod,
Nicolas de Rugy-Altherre, and Nitin Saurabh
- 4. QMA with Subset State Witnesses
by Alex B. Grilo, Iordanis Kerenidis, and Jamie Sikora
- 5. On Deciding the Existence of Perfect
Entangled Strategies for Nonlocal Games
by Laura Mančinska, David E. Roberson, and Antonios Varvitsiotis
- 6. Some Lower Bound Results for Set-Multilinear Arithmetic Computations
by V. Arvind, and S. Raja
- 7. A Note on Discrete Gaussian Combinations
of Lattice Vectors
by Divesh Aggarwal and Oded Regev
- 8. On Fractional Block Sensitivity
by Raghav Kulkarni and Avishay Tal
- 9. Computing the Degenerate Ground Space of Gapped Spin Chains in Polynomial Time
by Christopher T. Chubb and Steven T. Flammia
- 10. Circuit Complexity of Powering in Fields of Odd Characteristic
by Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Frederic Green and Howard Straubing
- 11. Parallel Repetition and Concentration for (sub-)No-signalling Games via a Flexible Constrained de Finetti Reduction
by Cécilia Lancien and Andreas Winter
- 12. Parity Decision Tree Complexity and
4-Party Communication Complexity of XOR-functions Are Polynomially Equivalent
by Penghui Yao
- 13. Optimal Bounds for Semi-honest Quantum Oblivious Transfer
by André Chailloux, Gus Gutoski and Jamie Sikora
- 14. Friedgut-Kalai-Naor Theorem for Slices of the Boolean Cube
by Yuval Filmus
- 2016 Abstracts
Volume 2015
Published articles