Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

CJTCS Special Issue: CATS 2009

Selected papers from

2009 Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium

held in Wellington, New Zealand January 20-23 2009.

Guest Editors: Rod Downey, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

Prabhu Manyem, Shanghai University, PRC.

Article 2010-10

Published by Dept. CS U. Chicago. Copyright 2010 CJTCS and the author.

Type Checking and Inference
for Polymorphic and Existential Types
in Multiple-Quantifier and Type-Free Systems

Koji Nakazawa
Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University,
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Makoto Tatsuta
National Institute of Informatics,
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan

June 24, 2010

A multiple quantifier is a quantifier having inference rules that introduce or eliminate arbitrary number of quantifiers by one inference. This paper introduces the lambda calculus with negation, conjunction, and multiple existential quantifiers, and the lambda calculus with implication and multiple universal quantifiers. Their type checking and type inference are proved to be undecidable. This paper also shows that the undecidability of type checking and type inference in the type-free-style lambda calculus with negation, conjunction, and existence is reduced to the undecidability of type checking and type inference in the type-free-style polymorphic lambda calculus.

DOI: 10.4086/cjtcs.2010.010

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